An Overview of Methylation

While it can be a very confusing subject, one way to view the methyl cycle is to see like the flow of traffic through a city.  Instead of cars on paved roads we have molecules moving along biochemical pathways – but the same rules apply.  Just as a city can have excellent streets with free-flowing…

Roundtable Discussion on Natural Health

Ever heard of Methylation? Its okay if you never have…most doctors haven’t either! It is a big subject and connects the dots between your genes, the environment, and why some people get sick with chronic diseases and others don’t. Recently Dr. Rostenberg joined other methylation experts for an online roundtable discussion. Methylation controls how your…

Boise’s Gluten Free Doctor

If you live in Boise and are interested in learning more about gluten then don’t miss this upcoming event.  Dr. Andrew Rostenberg, a local Boise chiropractor and expert in natural medicine, has partnered with Natural Grocers to deliver a free educational presentation.  The topic is gluten sensitivity – what it is and why it is a…

Benefits of Weight Loss

You may not always think of it but there are more benefits to losing weight than just a smaller number on the scale.  As a chiropractor in Boise I regularly see the effects that excess weight can have on the body.   For starters, the spine and joints of the arms and legs have to…

Making Your Own Healthy Baby Formula

Babies need their mothers in more ways than one.  They need the love, support and nurturing that only a mother can provide.  Babies also need the nutrition and immune system support that comes only from breast milk.  Breast milk is mother nature’s perfect food for infants.  For example, when a baby gets a germ or…

Chiropractic and Your Baby

A child’s body needs many things to be completely healthy.  In addition to clean food, loving care, a safe home, and lots of nap time, the child’s body needs a good nervous system and proper spinal alignment.   Would you raise your child inside a house with crooked walls and a leaky roof?  Of course…

Natural Solutions to Toxins in the Home

In order to be healthy a home must be clean.  Same is true of the human body.  But many popular home products we use might actually be making us sick! Come learn the darker side of household cleaners and personal care products.  In this fun, entertaining, and informative event Dr. Andrew Rostenberg, owner of Red…

Metagenics 10-day Clear Change Program

Spring is time for cleaning and this includes the human body, not just your yard and garage.  The human body accumulates toxic molecules all day long from eating tainted foods, breathing polluted air, and drinking unfiltered tap water.  It is simply a fact of modern day living that toxins surround us in our homes, in…

May 8th Gluten Talk

More than just a passing fad, gluten-free living is emerging as an effective strategy to reverse chronic disease and enhance health and performance.  Come learn the science behind the trend with Dr. Andrew Rostenberg, owner of Red Mountain Chiropractic in Boise, Idaho.  Boise Schools Community Education Programs is sponsoring this fascinating talk about a subject that impacts…