Yeast and fungal overgrowth elimination

Everyone has bad bugs in their gut; it is completely normal.

When our gut is healthy, the bad bugs are kept in check by all the health species living nearby. You could call that being in balance. But modern life creates a lot of problems that upset the balance in our GI tract. Sweets, carbohydrates, baked goods, and refined sugars are like fertilizer for the bad bacteria and yeast. If you feed the bad guys, you will get more of them. Also, antibiotics or stress can promote the growth of Candida and other yeasts.

Patients with this type of problem often have a white film on the tongue, cracked and infected fingernails, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and intolerance to sugars or alcohol. Female patients may complain of chronic yeast infections, and the men may have “athletes’ foot” or other rashes on their feet or groin. Really the symptoms of yeast and Candida could show up anywhere in your body. Recent research even shows that Candida overgrowth can hurt our memory by causing inflammation in the brain.

At Red Mountain, we have helped thousands of patients rid themselves of unwanted yeast, Candida, and even worms! Yuk! While that thought might make you squeamish, helping to remove these problematic microbes can change your life. We’ve seen patients with severe allergies, rashes, abdominal pain, chronic fatigue, food intolerances, and more, get rapid, lasting relief through our gut cleansing protocols. Our doctors will build a custom program using powerful herbs, vitamins, supplements, and dietary changes to help rid your system of these unwanted guests. Imagine how much better you will feel once your gut has the correct levels of healthy bugs!