Blood sugar balance Boise

Blood sugar issues aren’t just a problem for people living with diabetes or taking insulin medication.

Literally, anyone and everyone is susceptible to problems in this area. It’s true that more people have high blood sugar than low blood sugar. Currently, 50% of every man, woman, and child living in America are either prediabetic or diabetic, which is an alarming statistic. But even if you don’t have high blood sugar, you could be dealing with blood sugar swings and periods of hypoglycemia that ruin your energy, mood, sleep, and memory. Our brain and body need energy to survive, and the most important form of energy in our system is glucose.

We know that both high and low blood sugar is a problem. Many people have trouble losing weight, but some people find it impossible to gain weight – another key sign of a glucose and insulin issue. Blood sugar issues are especially a problem with children as they have a naturally high metabolism, and any blood sugar swings will change their mood, attitude, learning ability, and athletic performance. Fixing blood sugar problems greatly improves energy, focus, sleep, and mood in patients of all ages and abilities.

Blood sugar metabolism affects every cell in our body and can intensify symptoms from other health issues. Every system in the body is related. This is one of the core issues that each doctor will evaluate – gathering information about your daily habits – not only what you are eating but how frequently. Your doctor will also evaluate and help you understand and manage how your body tolerates fluctuations in blood sugar and insulin levels. Having a good understanding of your blood sugar response can dramatically improve your health and well-being!