Anxiety depression dopamine serotonin

We look at the body as a whole. The physical, biochemical, and metabolic systems work together.

At times-mood disorders can indicate an imbalance of chemicals in the brain or gut. While it is important to work with a qualified mental health professional, there are also things that you can do physically to support emotional well-being. Sometimes a simple vitamin or nutrient deficiency can be corrected with supplementation. For example, we would recommend monitoring iron and vitamin D levels for anyone being treated for symptoms of depression. But sometimes it is a more complex system that needs support.

The major chemicals in the brain are dopamine and serotonin. These chemicals are produced in our gut in much higher quantities than in our brain, which is why the gut is called the “second brain.” It is also why, hidden problems in our gut– like too much yeast or too much bad bacteria, can influence our brain function. Gut problems can affect chemicals in the brain. We use the latest functional medicine and applied kinesiology techniques to understand the problem and create a healing protocol. What we see over and over again is that as people improve their gut function, then their brain function – mood, sleep, energy, focus, clarity, and memory – improves as well.

We also don’t dwell on labels. Being diagnosed with “anxiety” or “depression” does not tell you how to fix something. This is frustrating to both our patients and our doctors. We love solving problems, not just giving them names! So, we take a different approach. We look closely at each individual’s history, stress level, sleep patterns, digestion, hormonal patterns, etc. to build a model of what is actually going on.

During this in-depth process, you may find your hormones affect your depression symptoms. You might find that your chronic constipation and GI symptoms are related to anxiety symptoms. Or you may find that you have genetic tendencies to have a slow MTHFR (methylation) system, and higher doses of activated B-vitamins help you to enjoy a more stable mood. Regardless of the root cause – digestion, hormonal, genetic, etc. – we can get you on the right track. We’ve helped hundreds of patients improve their mental health naturally by treating the root cause. We look forward to helping you do the same.