Natural treatment infertility Boise

We see an epidemic of infertility, and it is one of the issues we are most passionate about treating.

Having children is one of the greatest joys in life. There are many difficult, expensive, and painful interventions available for fertility, but many of the factors that impact fertility the most (in both men and women) are very basic. We strongly encourage men and women to address the low-risk accessible factors that increase fertility before engaging in costly and difficult fertility procedures. This means reaching a level of optimal health before conception. Balancing hormones, balancing blood sugar, and detoxing can all increase the chances of a successful and healthy pregnancy. Often genetic factors can make some women more prone to fertility problems. MTHFR can also require specific nutrition for conception and healthy pregnancy.

The reason Red Mountain is an excellent choice for women and couples trying to conceive is that we dig deeper and do a more thorough job. By using our large natural medicine toolkit we don’t give you a one-size-fits-all approach. We individualize every protocol we use in our practice to make sure it is the most effective tool possible. We have seen women with significant hormone problems get impressive results once they started a natural medicine protocol aimed at the root cause. Many women, and men too, have an excess of estrogen in their bodies. Whether it’s from birth control pills or a result of poor food choices and excess fat tissue, every patient we see with infertility ends up needing to detoxify toxic estrogen at some point. It’s sad to say that every man, woman, and child on Earth is toxic with estrogen until proven otherwise.

Whether the diagnosis is PCOS, endometriosis, diminished ovarian reserve, or some other issue, it all comes down to how well does your body processes estrogen. It’s not an easy thing to get rid of heavy metals, plastic chemicals, flame retardants, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and synthetic birth control hormones. Imagine having to do all of that AND, still have to balance the natural human hormones inside your body! That is tough.

We use the latest research and the most effective functional medicine supplements to support the body’s natural hormone cycle and pathways. Detoxifying estrogen, improving progesterone levels, supporting adrenal function, and managing blood sugar all go a long way. One thing is for sure, the healthier you are, the more fertile you become. Infertility can be incredibly frustrating, but it doesn’t have to last forever. Our doctors can help you find the root cause and get you moving in the right direction quickly, increasing your odds of natural pregnancy and hormone balance.