Lebowitz muscle testing Boise

Dr. Rostenberg uses the most advanced testing available in the market today.  Many of these tests are rich sources of information that require advanced knowledge in order to make your investment useful.  Dr. Rostenberg is gifted in integrating information and seeing a complete picture- making sure you have an actionable plan based on your laboratory data.  And, Dr. Rostenberg will always do his best to utilize any lab report you have from other providers.

Because of his talent in using and understanding these state-of-the-art tests, Dr. Rostenberg has an excellent relationship with the labs.  In fact, he has taught for both Great Plains Laboratory and Precision Analytical (Dutch) helping other providers learn how to interpret and apply laboratory results.

Our laboratory partners and resources include…

Organic Acids Test, Great Plains Laboratory

What is the Organic Acids Test?

The Organic Acids Test (OAT) from Great Plains Laboratory is a comprehensive metabolic snapshot of your overall health with 76 significant markers!  It is favored by functional medicine practitioners as a powerful screening tool to assess the function of the brain and gut, get key data about vitamin, mineral, and oxidative stress levels, and screen for infections, chronic illnesses, and genetic conditions.

Organic acids are often 100 times more concentrated in urine than in blood.  You will take a sample of first morning urine and mail it to Great Plains Laboratory.  In about 3 weeks, you will receive a comprehensive report to review with your doctor.

What does the Organic Acids Test Report show?

  • Intestinal yeast and bacteria
    • Symptoms can include bloating, indigestion, flatulence, and irregular bowl movements.
  • Vitamin and mineral levels
    • Sub-optimal levels of vitamins or minerals can lead to fatigue, other symptoms
  • Oxidative stress
    • Cellular damage and toxicity that can be related to many health problems.
  • Neuro transmitter levels
    • Atypical levels of dopamine and serotonin can produce symptoms of anxiety or depression.
  • Chronic illnesses
    • Including oxalate levels which are highly correlated with many chronic illnesses.
  • Immune deficiencies
  • Acquired infections
  • Genetic conditions

For more detailed information please visit the Great Plains Laboratory website.
Some information on this page is from or a paraphrase of the Great Plains Laboratory website.

Dutch Test, Precision Analytical

Stool Tests

Mold and Toxicity Testing

Blood Tests

Customized to your needs. The doctor may assess

  • Iron levels
  • Thyroid function
  • Cholesterol
  • Inflammation
  • Vitamin D
  • Other vitamin and mineral levels
  • Blood sugar response
  • Adrenal stress
  • Toxicity levels
  • Kidney and Liver health